Empowering students to thrive.


Industry insights for academic advisement, private school placement, and college planning.

Recentering: Why We Do What We Do

Sometimes, in the hustle of a busy season (hello, admissions deadlines), it can be invigorating to reframe the why behind the why—the reason to why we do what we do.

Why What We Do Matters:

• 18% of Atlanta metro population are students.

The average K-12 private school tuition in Atlanta is $280k—and rising.

• There are over 70 private-independent schools in the Atlanta metro area.

• Within a 5-mile radius of the 30327 zip, there are 26 private schools alone.

How do parents choose?

There has to be a Solution  :

School admission process looks different than it used to—online applications, open houses, interviews, aptitude tests, and psych evals. This process can cause anxiety, stress, and confusion.  

In the classroom, I recognized this need. I heard stories of exclusion, heartbreak, and starting over more times than I could count. Yet, I realize I couldn’t make a real need matter to me by merely listening to stories or collecting information. I wanted someone else’s journey to matter more to me, and in order to make a meaningful difference, I had to run towards it. 

 So, I opened Whitehead Learning Group, a educational consulting firm dedicated to ensuring students are confident problem-solvers and critical thinkers prepared to thrive in the best school environment. We strive to be a “one-stop shop,” from tutoring, interview prep, essay development, school placement, and college planning.  

Simply put, I believe that students were created to thrive.


What This Means for Your Student:

• We grow where we’re loved. People grow where they’re truly accepted, not where they’re merely informed. So we take the time to understand the personality, perspective, and purpose of each child. 

• We unwrap the gifts. We help students identify their potential and in turn, their destination. “What you help a child to love can be more important than what you help him to learn.” - African Proverb.

• We call something out from the inside.There’s a reason the book “Strengths Finder 2.0” has made the Amazon Top 10 list every year for the past decade. If millions of adults are yearning to find out what they’re good at, how do our students feel?

• We identify what’s strong—not what’s wrong. In a world that underlines the deficits (SSAT, SAT, ACT, PSAT, ERB, CRCT), WLG highlights the strengths. 


• The words that people say to us not only have shelf life, but have the ability to shape life.  

• Our goal is to help each child identify and develop their intrinsic strengths and passions to discover a learning environment that is best suited for their emotional and academic development. 


