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What to Read if You're Changing Schools this Year

Moving schools this year is a big change. Whether you’re moving across town or to the other side of the world, this transition can cause emotional tension. As cyclical thoughts of what to expect, how to fit in, and how to prepare creep into the minds and hearts of students, stress and anxiety heightens. The paradox that change is one of life’s never-changing guarantees is a worthwhile reality to tackle—now. While we can’t always prepare for every transition life brings, we can make tangible steps and develop helpful strategies to deal with change when it comes. Changing schools is the challenge now, but we realize that life yields adjustments again and again and so we want to partner with parents as they help their children and teens navigate the hurdle before them.  So, we’ve developed a reading list to support the whole family—both parent and student—throughout this sometimes stressful process.

A Recommended Reading List for Parents and Students During the School Change Process 

7 Habits of Highly Effective People, Stephen Covey

7 Habits of Highly Effective Students, Stephen Covey

7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, Stephen Covey

7 Habits of Highly Effective Families, Stephen Covey

Daring Greatly, Brené Brown

Don’t Give Up, Don’t Give In, Louis Zamperini

Grit, Angela Duckworth

Keep Your Cool: How to Deal with Life’s Worries and Strengths, Dr. Aaron Balick 

Mindset, Carol Dweck

Most Likely to Succeed, Tony Wagner

Switch, Chip Heath

Strengthfinder 2.0, Tom Rath

The Genius in All of Us, David Shenk

The Gift of Failure, Jessica Lahey

The Learning Habit, Stephanie Donaldson-Pressman

The Pressured Child, Michael Thompson, Ph.D.

The Power of Habit, Charles Duhigg

The Servant as Leader, Robert K. Greenleaf 

The Smartest Kids in the World, Amanda Ripley