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4/30: FAQs About AP Exams Amid COVID-19

Answering a few FAQ’s we’ve received this week surrounding the changes of AP exam testing, now an at-home online free-response testing model that’s generally 45 minutes long.

When are the AP Exams?

This year’s AP exams run from May 11-May 22.

If I want to take the make up exam, how do I register?

College Board is releasing make up exams during June 1-5 for students who have conflicts or disruptions during testing at home (crying sibling, feeling sick, power outage, etc.)

Shortly before the May testing date, every student will receive an electronic ticket to use to access the exam in May. If the student does not use the May ticket, College Board will assume that students have opted in for the June exam. Students will then be sent an additional ticket for June registration.

Can I handwrite my answers?

Students can choose to handwrite or type their responses in a Microsoft Word doc or a Google Document. AP teachers will be given additional training the week of May 4.

Do I need a camera on my computer?

Generally, you do not need a camera to test, but there are a couple of exceptions:

• You’ll need a camera (and additional programs) for AP Music Theory.

• You’ll also need a camera to upload your responses should you plan to handwrite them.

I signed up for the X AP exam, and haven’t received a confirmation email about the exam. Now what?

Don’t worry! That email is not mandatory for taking exams. In fact, you can still test even if you didn’t receive it! We recommend checking the email address you have listed on the My AP portal to ensure that it is correct. Be sure to update it if you’re still not receiving emails!

Will College Board be releasing new practice questions formatted to the new FRQ format?

Yes, you can access practice FRQs similar to those you’ll see on this year’s AP exams in AP classroom.